We are here to help you
The practice focus on all aspects of ENT. Whether it is paediatric, adult, or allergies Dr. B will be able to assist you and help you find the right solution to your specific needs. Select the area of focus below for more information:




Some of our more common procedures
- Removal of foreign body
- Wax removal
- Myringotomy with Grommet insertion
- Myringoplasty- closing a defect in the ear drum
- Tympanoplasty – repair or ear drum or middle ear to improve hearing.
- Typanomastoidectomy- surgical treatment of the ear to eradicate disease, prevention of future infections and restoration of hearing.
- Adenoidectomy- removal of adenoids
- Nose fracture repair
- Septoplasty- correction of a deviated nasal septum
- Sinus wash-out
- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Removal of foreign body
- Functional Nasal surgery
- Rhinoplasty surgery
- Removal of foreign body
- Tonsillectomy- removal of tonsils
- Frenectomy- Tounge tie release
- Uvuloplasty
- Uvulopalatoplasty
- Microlaryngoscopy- visualisation of the throat +/- Biopsy
- Biopsies
- Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Surgery