Author: entwebadmin
Understanding Swimmers ear
Dr B gives insight into some of the common causes, Symptoms and Recommended remedies for Otitis externa or “Swimmers ear”.
Tongue Tie Release
Dr B Explains Tongue-tie, a condition in which an unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) tethers the bottom of the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth.
The correct technique to administer nasal spray
Dr B Demonstrates how to use and administer nasal spray, you may have been doing it wrong, find out how to do it the right way.
Remedies to help a dry nose – Tips List from ENT with DrB
Remedies to help a dry nose – Tips List from ENT with DrB
Nasopharyngeal COVID-19 swab. WHAT COULD GO WRONG.
1. Epistaxis- nasal bleed can either be anterior or posterior – anterior nasal bleeds are mostly related to tiny vessels visible on the nasal septum (Kiesselbach area) – Posterior nasal bleed- most common area- Sphenopalatine artery bleed which usually warrants surgical intervention.
Hello Canada
“The University of Western Ontario is pleased to offer you employment in the position of Clinical Fellow in Rhinology with the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry”
ENT with DrB
While I’m busy pursuing my studies further in Canada, #ENTwithDrB remains in good hands. A good friend, a sister, a trusted colleague, a business partner, Dr Fanele Mdletshe will be taking good care of the practice. See you in July 2021.